- 130 km southeast of the major Pacific port city of Iquique, 2.5 hours drive from Iquique airport. Project office is located in Pica.
- 30 km east of the Pan American Highway, via Teck Resources’ paved Quebrada Blanca Copper Mine access road. Last 20 km on gravel road.
- Power transmission lines are located 15-30 km from property.
- Groundwater rights for 12 l/sec (sufficient for 1,800 tpd agitated leach), held since 2005 at Tamentica community (10kms west of property), other water sources located and a developed bore (25 l/sec) is located on the “water concessions”. Goal is to transfer water rights to the water concessions bore.
- Not at altitude : surrounding plain 1,000 m above sea level with the Challacollo Mountains rising towards around 1,550 above sea level.

Location and Project Lease Holdings